I can't blame people if I can't stay longer at SVI. My mom is my prime problem eversince I started that job. Then followed Hon who seemed very distracted when I'm talking about anything that has to do with work for no apparent reason (knowing the fact that he was the one who told me to apply there). Now my health. It's not the late night work and puyat that bothers me. I'm an insomniac and a nocturnal person after all. It's the weather and the aircondiner in the office that actually set off my back pains, colds, cough and flu.
That 2 day absence triggered my mom to finally lay her iron fist on my tough decision to go on. She was so concerned with my health condition and I understand her point. But the real issue here is my job and my choices. She left me no chance whatsoever to find a perfect option for my life. Before people would say I'm a spoiled brat. Maybe this is where it ends. My magical charm doesn't work on my mom anymore. It was now a battle of who's more powerful regardless if she's wrong or right.
I love my mom more than anything in the world and I know she only wants the best of everything for me. I respect her decision so now I must obey despite the odds. There's no turning back now even though people tell me that I am one of the few that was able to get in and shouldn't pass on the opportunity. Some of my batchmates would even say "mahirap maghanap ng trabaho ngayon na ganito kadale at ganito kalake ang sweldo!" BUt it's too late. I've reached the end of the line.
I'll surely miss every inch of my first job especially the people that made it a happy place to stay in. Just the thought of missing out news and gossips inside the batch makes me sad. I'll miss smoking with nice people in the wee hours of the night which for us is a far cry from going home. The odd "lunchtime" with constant sharing of foods that somewhat seemed like a picnic. The incomparable bond that happened so quickly between a bunch of wackos and weirdos. Thanx for the good times. I'm gonna miss you all.
blabbered @ 5:56:00 AM