The trip was a total blast! Despite all the hassles before the trip, we went home very satisfied and even felt bitin. I went to
Meg's house last friday at 9 in the morning coz we were suposed to do our last minute shopping in greenhills. But because of some uncontrolled circumstances we ended up shopping at SM Manila instead. After shopping, we headed off to meet Jhet then fetched
Bochay (his gf) at Paranaque. For all we know, Bochay and her dad were arguing over the trip. When we got there, her mom was very apologetic saying that Bochay's dad didn't allow her to go with us because no one went to her house to ask for her dad's permission. So ayun, we went to Victory Cubao station heavy hearted to meet
Loy. When
Don was going to buy our tickets, the conductor told us that the last trip left at 6 pm. The next trips is at
Caloocan and Pasay stations. I got really worried because
Hon was still on his way to Cubao. After some calls I've decided to let
Don, Meg, Jhet and Loy ahead so Hon and I could sit on one bus together. Our bus left at 9:30 pm and arrived at
Olongapo at 12:30 pm.
When we got there,
Nanay (Don's lola) was there and was a real sweetie. Don helped Nanay cook our dinner then Meg washed the dishes. Afterwards we headed off to a nearby store to start our drinking session. As usual
Jhet was the tanggero and the joker of the group. The morning after we went to the beach and made sand castles and sand imprints. The beach was awesome! Firstly it was free, second there were not much people. Our stay at Gapo was a real bumming experience. We would spend our day eating, bonding, sleeping, smoking (we termed it
toothbrushing para di malaman ni Nanay)and drinking. We never even watch tv or listen to the radio. We call ourselves professional bums hehe!
The second day was nice but kinda bitin. We started swimming at 8 am and the boys were so fired up that they skinny dipped in the middle of the sea! Our hearts were really heavy when we decided to leave the beach. The trip was great coz there were equal share of labor and money making everyone enjoy the whole trip. I can't possibly describe the beauty of the beach nor tell how much fun we had so just check out the pictures for you to find out. Just click the link
blabbered @ 8:52:00 AM