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Monday, May 02, 2005


Gosh!I can't conceal my excitement!tonight Meg confirmed our long awaited summer get away with some of our classmates. It's gonna be at Don's place somewhere in Olongapo. So for sure I could see some sand and salty water I've been longing to be. We'll be staying at their ancestral house where the only person there is his lola. We are going to shop for our summer stuffs within this week. I can't wait hihi!Image hosted by Sana lang this time it's for real na. Puro na lang kse plans tas nauuwi lang sa wala.

By the way, I'm currently hooked up with beads at the moment. So since its the summer season and I'm living the life of a typical bum, I started doing a capiz necklace for starters.

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My mom says its nice daw so I'm looking forward to buying more beads of several kinds to make another more different one. I'll also do some for my tita and my mom. My mom also see this as a bussiness opportunity but I only cosider this as my past time. Pro malay ko din di ba? If this would earn me money e di mas ok. Bumming with cash hehe!

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