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Monday, June 27, 2005


As I look back on the days when I was still desperately looking for a job, I realized that everything came about through 70% effort and 30% luck. SVI Connect was not one of the call centers I imagined to be my environment. It was the very first firm I tried applying on. The next thing I knew, I was already starting my speech training. Then a week after I was in my skills training. Afterwards I was off to incubation. Now here I am - officially over with classroom training. Though I expect to get a sale through "luck", I still have the blood of a philosopher running in my veins. I remembered my icon's words:

"A (wo)man who relies solely on the powers of lady fortuna is not considered to be a gentle(wo)man endowed with virtu." -Niccolo Machiavelli

So now that my Mom has finally gave in to my being a contact center agent, I think I should start knowing the essence of the word FOCUS. Despite the reputation that call centers are just stepping stones for desperate fresh grads, people don't know how tiring it is to blabber in the wee hours of the night. Its also not that easy to cope with Americnas who loves to say "we're not interested". Getting a a sale for me would be far from now because I must first start focusing on work.
Its time to get serious to be able to earn my dough.

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