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Thursday, May 26, 2005


Remember the time when I said my mom wouldn't allow me to work as a call center agent? Well she finally gave in after I passed my exam and initial interview. Honestly, I am looking forward to a job that includes office works such as that in a Law firm (so I could have a clear idea of how the industry works) or a secretarial job perhaps. I guess this job came to me because of mere luck. It was the only company I was able to encode a database so I could get a schedule for my examination. I was also lucky to get in out of 33 applicants (only 11 of us are going through the final interview).

But here I am, later at 7:30 pm I will be having my final interview. I'm a bit scared actually but I just think of it as a sort of thesis defense where you just have to give your best shot. After this I'm off to making my own moolah. Wish me luck people!

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