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Saturday, February 12, 2005


my sleepless nights and stressful days finally paid off!


one step to go and i'm done with college life.. i can't believe it at first too.. when i saw my draft ring binded.. the costly printing [its worth more or less 470 for 3 copies of 79 pages].. the continous editing.. the black and thick eye bags.. the headless feeling the morning after i typed.. the sore fingers.. the super dry hands.. the zits.. the caffeine rush.. the tired back.. all of them disappeared when i held my thesis..

i consider this one of the momentous events of my life.. i also see this as an addition to my achievements.. i never imagined i could be this studious and persevered with school papers.. right this very moment, i should say im proud of myself!

im taking a 4 day break from using my pc.. i think he too needed a break [parang bestfriend ko na pc ko!].. now i could have some quality then after that, i'll start doing the powerpoint presentation for my defense side by side my other paper works in other subjects..

next thing i'll have to problem is my attire for the defense.. its so hard to pick up an appropriate attire for a corporate look coz im really not used to wearing one.. i just hope my mom's fashion sense would help me browse through my old clothes to put it all together..

well.. thats right about it for now.. i have to take a rest to get ready for some smooching later..
Meg, Don and Chen are going to the Lovapaloozaa and me and my Honey would try to come.. sayang nga kse la partner si Chen e.. if only i could fetch his bf from Ilocos hehe!

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