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Monday, September 04, 2006


Due to some unavoidable circumstances, our account will soon be dissolved. And because of this, our company has to move people from our department and scatter them to other accounts. It is so sad that our tight batch had to undergo this fate and take calls separately. Lerie and I are still on Comms Bay. Honestly, we still don't know where we are headed or if we are gonna be transfered to another account as well. Gam is transferring to ICT. I suppose she'll start her training sometime next week. Will already filed his resignation so he's just rendering 15 days and he'll be leaving on the 16th going to Fortune Care's Marketing Department. The Divas, Bel, Anneli (as a workforce analyst) and Erik will be moving to Transfer Plus. The non-regularized people Khai, Arlyn, Ed, Awin, Susie and Dycen will be moving to People PC. Although we are still is one building, it's still hard to catch up on each other's lives unlike before. I don't wanna name names but I just hope what they did to our batch compensates the account's growth as what they've been telling us. The office will never be the same without them. I'm really sad. I'll surely miss everyone. I'll surely miss my friends.

How can we measure time?
In laughter?
There's been enough of that.
And tears,
sometimes too many.
Friendships lost and found;
battles fought and won.
So many directions
in one,
likes stars in a cloudless sky,
some dazzling
some blinking; waiting.
All mapping the path
from there
to here.
So how can we measure time?
In our own way,
when an ending
is a beginning.
And, when you look back
you will see the door is
open behind you,
in front of you.
Don't worry, I'm just there.
Still waiting for you.

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[extrovert][natural nocturnal][shopaholic][spoiled brat][makeup junkie][hard-nosed][politics enthusiast][socially diabled][fire starter][future senator][coffee freak][fashion guru][fears clowns][artist in her own right][has a passion for the aesthetical][gimekera][queen paranoia][pigs out often][bargain queen][pragmatist][accessory freak][pink baby][water person][mall rat][acrophobic][insatiable][moody][rnb princess][2nd Machiavelli][stoic][baby powder dependent][biatch][obsesssive compulsive][frustrated writer][babaeng bading][motor mouth][giggleish][jlo fan][cartoon freak][smoker][unica hija][lactose intolerant][camera whore][pessimist][grumpily impatient]

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Photobucket - Video and Image HostingHOW DO I SEE MYSELF 10 YRS FROM NOW

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingMARRIAGE?

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingMISSING YOU

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingMUCH HAPPY NOW

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingMY HAPPY HOUSE

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingI'M BACK IN BUSSINESS!

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingSTILL A NOBODY

Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting'TIS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY!

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingKATRINA

Photobucket - Video and Image HostingCONFUSION...

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