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Saturday, September 02, 2006


We've been on Communications Bay training for 5 days now and Rydez made us do an essay:

Life is a grindstone. Whether it grinds us down or polishes us up depends on us. It is a fast-paced realm that one has to make the best out of. Yes it is short as it is time-bound. No one knows how long he or she will be staying on this world. But personally, I believe that everything you do while you still have the chance will matter when you leave this world and move on to perhaps the "other side". For 21 years, I had encountered many problems. Some made me weak, some strong. But because of those trials, I had become a wiser person. Wiser not only in the sense that I finished school with no failing marks whatsoever, but for the fact that I had overcome every hump on my way. Before, the only thing I was primarily concerned was to finish a schoolwork I have for the day. I only pushed through with my course because I have to. My mom has been telling me the importance of education not only as a mother, but also as a person who came from a family of educators. I never took any of her advises seriously because I was thinking that anyone who is a capable adult can find a decent job. I was wrong. I then realized how hard it is to earn your own money, especially in my country. I started making achievable plans for my future like being a lawyer. My first step is to study law after getting a stable job.

My favorite philosopher once said "Men generally judge with their eyes rather with their hand. For people always see what you appear to be and fewer can feel your real essence." And in the end, it's not the years in your life that count. It's the life in your years. In a span of 10 years I want to be what to achieve all my dreams. 10 years from now, I perceive myself as a more responsible and disciplined woman. Running my own law firm and a top caliber criminal lawyer. A smart lawyer, yet one that has a personal style. I see myself having my own family. My primary role is to raise kids and provide a harmonious home for them. I picture myself making breakfast for my husband and kissing him before he goes to work. After a long day at the office, I will be the one to cook a sumptuous dinner for my family and after which help the children do their home works. I want to be in charge of decorating our home, making it a nice and cozy place to live in. I would still invite my friends for dinner and try to update events that had happened with our lives. I want my family, especially my mom to just sit back and relax at home and do nothing but to think of something to do.

I still see myself in a continuous learning process. Not only studying my client's cases, but also enriching my skills as a lawyer, mother, wife and as a whole person. A great secret of success is to go through life as a man who never gets used up. Being a philosophy graduate, I know how wisdom plays an important part in one's entirety. Quoting from Aristotle, "the empty barrel always makes the greatest sound". I don't want to be an empty barrel. I want to die as a barrel almost full. I'll strive hard to enrich all my skills and try to share it with my family, my friends or anyone else who needs it.

All men who have achieved great things have been great dreamers. But for me, I want to dream and fantasize about my life in a manner that I know is feasible. And the difference in dreaming and fantasizing in my own sense is if I dream, I will do everything to attain it. If I fantasize, I only make illusions. Illusions that I know could never come true. If you don't know where you are going, you will probably end up somewhere else. I'm still too young and I haven't proven anyone yet. I do know my limits, but I will never stop trying to exceed them. And because of those dreams, I will someday become the person I dreamt about 10 years from today. Nobody gets to live life backward. I will just look ahead, that is where my future lies.

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Photobucket - Video and Image Hosting'TIS THE SEASON TO BE JOLLY!

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