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Monday, May 31, 2004


i've tried to think of every imaginable surprise to brighten up my honey's day yet nothing seemed to work.. i've asked a million people ideas and suggestions to inspire me but most of them told me i shouldnt be this stressed out coz he'll surely appreciate anything i give him or do for his bday..

my 1st plan was to suprise him by going to his house at 3 am to cook a special birthday breakfast which he would eat in his room filled with baloons and roses.. all was set but he told me that he don't want his family to get involved with the plan because he wanted them to meet me when his dad arrives and not on my own..

the second plan is to fetch him in his office and carry 21 balloons and 24 pieces of roses.. problem.. my friend won't let me drive in makati all by myself.. of course i dont want him to be our driver.. bad idea..

the third plan was to eat dinner, cooked by me of course, in a rooftop of a building.. problem was my friend's dad didnt aprove of the plan..

the fourth plan.. im still figuring out how i can do that coz i only got a maximum of 2500 bucks.. (lack of money - this is one of the things that suck during summer!)i dont think that's enough but im still trying to push it though..

my last and most desperate plan is an essay where i stated 21 reasons why i love him.. coz he always ask me why i love him.. i dont really think he would appreciate this kind of stuff coz i know he's not the reading type but if i dont make my 4th plan to work, i guess i left with this..

so please.. if anyone get to read this.. can you please help me think of a good yet practical gimick.. im only left with 3 days.. i just want his special day to be memorable in order for him to feel how much i love him.. pretty please?

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