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Saturday, May 29, 2004

at long last i finally figured out how microsoft frontpage works.. ayan.. my blog looks much better.. less cluttered.. christian has been ranting the whole day coz i was so busy fixing stuffs for my blog.. tama ba namang pagselosan ang blog?by the way, the unimaginable just happened a while ago.. their fone line has been cut due to sky high unpaid bills.. ayan.. wawa si hon.. he's constantly running to a nearby store to use a pay phone just to call me..

these past few nights, i slept late and woke up early the following day.. my head is constantly thinking of something sweet yet practical gimick to brighten up my hon's special bday.. that's already on tuesday (jun 3) and so far, i haven't come up with anything solid yet.. i just hope Plan D would work.. if you got any good idea please let me know alrighty?that would really be a great help.. its been a very tiring day indeed.. well got to hit the sack now and start the thinking again..

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