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Friday, January 28, 2005


well here's the guy ive spent lots of time with.. i would wake up and he will be the first person to enter my mind.. i would go to school and talk about him the whole day.. i am putting so much effort to know his real nature so i could think about him more vividly.. when i go home after classes i would hook up on th net just to find him and if i do, it would be another blissful episode that i would carry in my sleep..

although i dont understand his native tongue (he's Italian), i still try hard to comprehend his ideas and personal philosophies.. because he loves books, i strive to read things that he is very interested with and try to grab the geist of the text for him.. i even dreamt one night that i was in Florence, his hometown, and we were walking together in their vast grape plantation (their family bussiness is making red wine).. as February approaches, my heart cant help but beat really fast.. its seems i cant breathe and manage to utter a word.. this is my moment.. the final moment where i am put to his ultimate test

people, meet
Niccolo Machiavelli

im now working on my third chapter on my thesis with the topic "Revolution as a Right in Machiavelli" i hope i could finish it before February so i could graduate this March.. please pray for me..

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